I and II in page numbers refer to Volumes I and II of the Mueller Report.
A to D in page numbers refer to Appendices A to D of the Report.
Pagination is that of the Department of Justice release of April 18, 2019, linked here.
ABC News, II.148
Abramski v. United States (2014), II.167
Access Hollywood tape, I.58–59; II.79
An Act Declaratory of the Law Concerning Contempts of Court
(1831), II.176
Active Measures social media campaign, I.14–34
prosecution and declination decisions, I.174–175
adoptions of Russian children, I.110; II.99, 102
Agalarov, Aras, I.67, 110–114, 120–122, 185; B.1; C.14
Agalarov, Emin, I.67–68, 110–114, 121–122, 185; B.1; C.13, 14
agent of a foreign government, I.181
Akhmetov, Rinat, I.116, 132, 135; B.1
Akhmetshin, Rinat, I.117; B.1
Al-Adahi v. Obama (D.C. Cir. 2010), II.14
Alfa-Bank, I.146–147, 163; B.11
Alptekin, Kamil Ekim, D.1
alternative channels
Presidential Transition Team with Russian government, I.146–147, 164
Putin with G. W. Bush, I.79
Andreyko, Dmitry, I.88 (note)
Appointments Clause of the Constitution, II.174
Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States (2005), II.10, 164 (note), 165, 166,
167 (note)
Articles of the Constitution. See under Constitution, U.S.
Asatryan, Georgi, I.66 (note)
Aslanov, Dzheykhun (Jay), B.1
Assange, Julian, B.1; C.19
contacts Trump Jr., I.60
interview with, I.52
quoted, on Hillary Clinton, I.44
use of internet, I.46, 48–49
and Wikileaks, I.55–56
attempts and endeavours, II.11–12
attorney-client privilege, II.95, 117, 121, 122 (note), 131, 132, 154
Attorney General
role in protecting the President, in Trump’s view, II.112–113
Aven, Petr, I.146–147, 163–166; B.1
Azerbaijan, I.124
balancing test, II.172–173
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, II.171, 178
bank fraud
charges of, I.174
Bannon, Stephen (Steve), B.1
re Comey, II.33, 64, 74
deleted phone messages, I.156
re Flynn, II.32 (note), 46, 47
and McGahn, II.87
and meeting of Prince and Dmitriev, I.153–156, 158
re Mueller, II.80–82, 88
in Presidential Transition Team, I.169–170, 171, 172–173
and sanctions on Russia, II.26, 32
re Sessions, II.79–80
re stolen Clinton emails, I.63
in Trump administration, II.42, 50–51
in Trump Campaign, I.141, 149
Baranov, Andrey, I.100–101; B.1
Barnhart v. Sigmon Coal Co. (2002), II.164
Barrack, Thomas, I.134
Bates v. United States (1997), II.164 (note)
Batumi, Georgia, I.70
Begay v. United States (2006), II.162
Benjaminov, Roman, I.114
Berkowitz, Avi, I.161, 163; B.1
bitcoin mining, I.36
Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly (lobbying firm), I.134
“Black Caviar” person (re Ukraine), I.138–139
“black ledger” payments, I.143
Blair, Tony, I.157
Bluman v. FEC (D.D.C. 2011), I.184, 185
Boente, Dana, II.52, 54–55, 58, 59–60, 75; B.1
Bogacheva, Anna, I.21; B.1
Bork, Robert, II.86
Bossert, Thomas (Tom), I.170; B.1
botnets, I.26–29
Bowsher v. Synar (1986), II.173
Boyarkin, Viktor, I.132, 135, 137, 142; B.2
Boyd, Charles, I.107; B.2
Boyko, Yuriy, I.138; B.2
Brand, Rachel, II.96, 107–108; B.2
Brogan v. United States (1998), II.171
Brooke Group v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. (1993), I.180
Browder, William (Bill), I.112 (note), 117; B.2
Bryan v. United States (1998), I.185
Bulatov, Alexander, I.96; B.2
Burchik, Mikhail, I.16; B.2
Burck, William, B.2
Burnett, Mark, I.79
Burnham, James, II.31; B.2
Burr, Richard, II.52
Burt, Richard, I.105, 107, 163–165; B.2
Bush, George W., I.79
BuzzFeed, II.23, 28
Bystrov, Mikhail, I.16; B.2
Calamari, Matt, B.2
campaign finance, I.183–191
governing law, I.180, 184–185
Candidate Trump. See Trump, Donald J. (as Candidate)
Caputo, Michael, I.61; B.2
Carson, Ben, I.81–82
Center for the National Interest (CNI), I.103–110, 129, 164; B.11
connects with Trump Campaign, I.103–105
hosts foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel, I.105–107
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), II.12, 55
Chaika, Yuri, I.110; B.2
channels. See alternative channels
Chapman v. United States (1895), II.176
Cheney v. United States District Court for the District of Columbia (2004),
accord, II.176, 180
foreign intelligence service of, I.62
Christie, Chris, II.38–39, 47, 70, 87, 121 (note); B.2
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
Circa News, II.103–104
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington v. FEC (D.C. Cir
2007), I.186
Citizens United v. FEC (2010), I.184 (note)
Clapper, James, B.2
clear statement rule, II.169
Cleveland v. United States (2000), II.167
Clinton, Bill
supposed connection to Russian government, I.109
Clinton, Hillary, II.99; C.13, 15
disparaging remarks about, by Assange and others, I.44, 141, 183
investigation and prosecution of, demanded by Trump, II.107, 109, 112
opposition research against, I.61
Russian dealings, supposedly, I.110, 113
Wikileaks allegation about, I.60
Clinton, Hillary, emails
deleted or missing emails, on personal server, I.49, 61–62; C.14
Trump Campaign efforts to obtain, I.62–65
FBI investigation over, II.63, 76
hacked emails
released by WikiLeaks, I.44–45; II.17–18
Russia has “dirt” in form of, I.81–82, 86–89
Trump Campaign learns of, I.93–94
Clinton Campaign
Concord companies’ disparagement of, I.14
hacking directed at, I.36–41
Hillary’s concession, I.149
IRA opposition to, I.23–25
Nader contact with, I.148
response to Trump election win, I.141
Russia-related attacks on, I.93, 109; II.99
WikiLeaks opposition to, I.44–45, 60
Clinton Foundation
negative information about, I.115
Clintons, the
negative information about, I.116 (note); C.14
Clinton v. Jones (1997), II.171, 181
Clovis, Samuel Jr., I.63–64, 82, 85, 89–92, 93, 98, 99, 101, 127; B.2
CNI. See Center for the National Interest
Coats, Dan, II.32, 55–57, 60, 82 (note); B.2
Cobb, Ty, B.2
Cobbledick v. United States (1940), II.177
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), II.50; A.1
Cohen, Michael, II.134–156; B.2; C.20; D.4
campaign-finance violations (payments to Trump-connected
women), II.144–145, 149
false statements and obstruction of justice, I.195–196; II.139–144
family of, accused of crimes, II.151–152, 156
flipping of, II.154
guilty plea to eight felony charges, II.149
investigation of
authorized by Special Counsel, I.12
FBI search of office and home of, II.145–146, 148
joint defense agreement (JDA) in Russia Investigation, II.139–141
by Southern District of New York, II.154, 156
and June 9, 2016, meeting, I.110, 115
and Russia
adheres to “party line” distancing Candidate Trump from Russia,
invited to travel to Russia, I.76–78; II.135, 137
travel to Prague, claimed, II.139
Trump Tower Moscow project, I.67, 69–80; II.19, 76–77, 134–144
testimony of
pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress, II.150
privileged communications of, II.140 (note)
reliability of testimony of, I.53 (note); II.134 (note)
testimony to Congress, I.195–196; II.20, 139–144, 149, 153, 155
and Trump, II.134–156
called a “rat” by, II.151, 154
messages of support from, II.144–148, 154
pardon considered for, II.147–148
Trump’s conduct towards after Cohen began cooperating with
government, II.148–152
and Wikileaks, I.53; II.17
Cohn, Roy, II.50–51, 110
Collazos v. United States (2d Cir. 2004), II.162
discussion, I.2, 180–181
Comey, James B., B.2
congressional testimony, II.52, 84
confirms the existence of the Russia Investigation, II.52–55
declines to say if President is under investigation, II.62–64
denigrated by Trump
called a “showboat” and “grandstander,” II.73
said to be unpopular with FBI staff, II.69, 72
as FBI director, II.27–28
confirms the Special Counsel Investigation, I.11
letter exonerating Hillary Clinton, II.109
said to be unpopular with FBI staff, II.69, 72
talks with Trump
asked about loyalty, II.12
asked to “Lift the Cloud” created by the Russia Investigation, II.57–60
dinner with Trump about Flynn, II.12, 24, 32–36
discusses Flynn with Trump (alone), II.38–41, 44–45
memoranda of the discussions, II.34, 35, 40 (note), 41, 45
terminated by Trump, II.12, 64–74
decision to terminate, II.64
DOJ role in, II.70
events leading to, II.32, 54, 62–77
letter prepared by Miller, II.65–69, 75
not permitted to resign, II.67, 69
preservation notice re (burn bag preservation), II.79–80
pretexts for, II.77
Mueller Report Index muellerreportindex.net
Computer-intrusion Conspiracy (18 U.S. Code Section 1030), I.175–179
discussion, I.179
as evidence of scienter, I.187
conclusive, II.172
Concord companies, I.14; B.11
Concord Catering, I.14
Concord Management and Consulting LLC, I.14
prosecution and declination decisions, I.174
funding of IRA by, I.16
conflict of interest, II.176 (note)
Congress, U.S., I.119
power to protect congressional, grand jury, and judicial proceedings
against corrupt acts, II.176–178
charges of, I.174
discussion, I.2, 180–181
Constitution, U.S.
Appointments Clause, II.174
Article I, II.176, 178 (note)
Article II, II.156, 159, 168, 171, 172–175, 178–180
Article III, II.176
Necessary and Proper Clause, II.174
Opinions Clause, II.174
defined, I.184
Conway, Kellyanne, I.34, 64; B.3
coordination, potential, I.2, 180–181
foreign agent statutes, I.181–183
governing law, I.181–182
not established, I.66, 127, 131
Corallo, Mark, II.99, 103–104, 107; B.3
corruptly, II.10, 161, 166, 170, 175, 178
Corsi, Jerome, I.54–55; II.128; B.3
Costello, Robert, II.146–147; B.3
Costello v. United States (1956), II.177
protection of, II.176–177
Cox, Ed, I.97
Craig, Gregory, D.4
credibility judgments, II.13–14
Credico, Randolph (Randy), B.3
crime, underlying
cover-up of, II.157
Crimea, II.19
Russia’s annexation of, I.161
criminal intent
often inferred from circumstantial evidence, II.13
Crocus City, Moscow, I.68
Crocus Group (Crocus International), I.67–68; B.11
and Trump Tower Moscow project, I.67–68, 110
Cuba, I.142
Daniels, Stormy
payment of $130,000 to, II.144–145
Davis, Lanny, II.148 (note)
Davis, Richard (Rick) Jr., I.131; B.3
DCCC. See Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
DCLeaks, I.41–42; B.11
contact with WikiLeaks, I.45
Dearborn, Rick, I.105, 126; II.93; B.3
defrauding the United States
charges of, I.174
decision not to charge under, I.181
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), B.11
GRU intrusion into networks of, I.38–41
theft of documents from networks of, I.40–41; II.17
Democratic National Committee (DNC), I.37; B.11
hacking of data from, I.49–50; C.17
documents, I.40–41
emails, I.46; II.18
networks, I.38, 42
GRU intrusion into, I.38–41
theft of documents from, I.40–41
opposition research performed by, stolen by GRU, I.43
Democratic National Convention (2016), I.46
Democratic Party
GRU operations targeting, I.49
Russia investigation as excuse for losing 2016 election, II.73–74
Dempsey, Michael, II.55; B.3
Denman, Diana, I.125; B.3
Dennis v. United States (1966), I.181
Denysyk, Bo, I.94–95
Department of Homeland Security, I.50
Department of Justice (DOJ), II.33, 47, 79–80
investigations by, II.179 (note)
officials notify White House of their concerns about Flynn, II.30, 31–32
role in Comey firing, II.70
Department of State, I.144
Deripaska, Oleg, I.142; B.3; C.22
and Manafort, I.129, 131–132, 135–137, 141
Dershowitz, Alan, II.109
Dhillon, Uttam, II.66–69; B.3
Digital Realty Trust, Inc. v. Somers (2018), II.161
Director of National Intelligence, II.12
Dmitriev, Kirill, I.147–159; B.3
attempt to contact Trump Campaign, I.148
contact with Gerson regarding U.S.–Russia relations, I.156–159
meets Prince in the Seychelles, I.151–156
outreach to the incoming administration, I.147–159
DMP International LLC (DMI), I.131, 133
DNC. See Democratic National Committee
theft of
from DNC and DCCC networks, I.40–41
Donaldson, Annie, II.52, 53–54, 68, 86–87; B.3
DonaldTrump2016.ru, I.66 (note)
Donbas, Autonomous Republic of, I.144
Donbas region of Ukraine, I.139 (note)
Donetsk People’s Republic, I.139 (note)
Dowling v. United States (1985), I.176 (note)
Duma, Mira, I.78–79
Duma (Russian parliament), I.87; B.11
Dunn v. United States (1979), I.192
Dvorkovich, Arkady, I.100, 101; B.3
contact with Page, I.166–167
Dvoskin, Evgeney, I.76; B.3
East West Institute, I.80
Edmond v. United States (1997), II.175
Egypt, I.167–168
Eisenberg, John, II.31, 32, 36, 43, 48; B.3
election-related software and hardware firms
hacking of, I.50
elections, U.S.
of 2016, I.64, 148; II.73
future, meddling in, II.91
targeting of
by GRU, I.50
by IRA, I.19–35
See also Russian interference in U.S. election
Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro (2018), II.164
list of, B.11
Erchova, Lana (a/k/a Lana Alexander), I.72–73; B.3
Ermarth, Fritz, I.109
Espionage Act, II.32
evidence, II.12–14
exclusive, II.172–173
Executive Order 13757, I.168
Fabrizio, Anthony (Tony), I.136, 144; B.4
advertisements on, I.25
groups and followers, I.26–27
IRA’s use of, I.14, 19, 22, 24–26, 31
Russian use of, I.83
faithfully, II.168, 177
false statements, I.191–199
charges of, I.180, 196
governing law (Section 1001), I.191–192
“Fancy Bear,” I.42
FARA. See Foreign Agents Registration Act
Farage, Nigel, I.55
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Counterintelligence Division, I.13
Director of, can be fired, II.74, 175
into election interference, I.50
into Russian meddling, I.165; II.27–28, 52
into Sessions’ testimony to Congress, I.12
morale in, II.69, 72, 76
supervision of attorneys from, I.13
Federal Election Commission (FEC), I.186
Federalist Papers, II.171
Fifth Amendment, II.13, 177
First Amendment, I.190
FISC. See Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Fishbein, Jason, I.59; B.4
Trump’s view of, II.127, 128
floor statements, II.164
Florida, I.31, 51
Flynn, Michael G. (a/k/a Michael Flynn Jr.), I.28; B.4
Flynn, Michael T., B.4; D.1
false statements and obstruction of justice, I.194–195; II.29–30, 44–
joint defense agreement with President, II.121–122
pardon, asked re, II.122
and Clinton emails, I.62, 63–64
authorized by Special Counsel, I.12
cooperation with Special Counsel Office, II.121
DOJ concerns, II.31–32
FBI investigation, II.26, 30, 51, 75, 89
and Kislyak
communications with Kislyak, I.167, 168, 194; II.24–26, 29–30, 36,
42–44, 46
discusses sanctions on Russia, II.24–26
meets with Kislyak in Trump Tower, I.159–161
as National Security Advisor, I.142; II.24–26
resignation, II.36–38
on reconciliation with Russia, I.157
response to IRA tweets, I.34
and Russia, ties, II.16
Russian leverage over, potentially, II.30
in transition period, I.167–173
and Trump
Trump discusses with FBI director Comey, II.34, 38–41, 44–45
Trump’s conduct towards, II.41–42, 49, 120–122
Trump’s positive comments about, II.47, 120–122
Trump’s reaction to investigation of, II.24–28, 32
and Turkey, ties, I.183
Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), I.182–183
foreign agent statutes, I.181–183
foreign intelligence, I.13, 62
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), I.183 (note)
foreign nationals
defined, I.184
prohibited from aiding political campaigns, I.184
Foresman, Robert (Bob), I.79–80, 159–160, 162; B.4
Fowler v. United States (2011), II.168
Fox News, II.70, 152
Franklin v. Massachusetts (1992), II.169, 170
Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(2010), II.168, 174, 175
FSB. See Russian Federal Security Service
Futerfas, Alan, I.121; B.4
G20 summit, II.101
Garten, Alan, I.121; B.4
Gates, Richard III (Rick), B.4; D.2
indicted on multiple felony counts, II.122
investigation of
authorized by Special Counsel, I.12
and June 9, 2016, meeting, I.115
re legitimacy of Trump’s election win, II.23
and Manafort, I.129
on Trump Campaign, I.109, 134, 135–137, 138
and Ukraine, ties, I.182
and Wikileaks, I.52, 54; II.18
Gazprom, I.96; B.11
GEC. See Global Energy Capital, LLC
Gerson, Richard (Rick), I.147; B.4
contact with Dmitriev regarding U.S.–Russia relations, I.156–159
Gistaro, Edward, II.55–56, 82 (note); B.4
Giuliani, Rudolph, II.124–128, 146–147, 152
Glassner, Michael, I.82; B.4
Global Development Group, I.70
Global Energy Capital, LLC, I.96; B.11
Global Partners in Diplomacy, B.11
conference, I.123
Goldberg, Jay, II.110
Goldstone, Robert, I.67, 110–111, 113–115, 117, 119–122, 185; B.4; C.13,
Gooch v. United States (1936), II.162
Gordon, Jeffrey (J.D.), I.86, 99, 104–105, 123–124, 127; B.4
avoids contact with Kislyak, II.20
encounters Kislyak at RNC, I.123–124
visits Kislyak after RNC, I.127
Gorkov, Sergey, I.161; B.4
meets with Kushner, I.161–163
Graff, Rhona, I.76, 78–80, 113, 120; II.135; B.4; C.22
grand juries
convened by Special Counsel, II.112, 119
protection against corrupt acts from any source, II.176–178
Grand Jury, redaction, I.194
Grand Jury Investigation, In re, II.175
Greece, I.93
Greenberg, Henry. See Oknyansky, Henry
Greenblatt, Jason, I.90 (note)
GRU, B.12
(Russian Federation’s Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff)
cyber operations, I.49
hacking by, I.36–41
targeting of U.S. election, I.50
transfer of stolen materials to WikiLeaks, I.45–48
units of, I.36–42, 49
Guccifer 2.0, I.42–44, 176; B.12
contact with Wikileaks, I.45
hacking, Russian, I.36–65
access into DCCC and DNC networks, I.38
dissemination of materials, I.41–49
to Trump Campaign, I.51–65
to WikiLeaks, I.45–48; II.17–18
prosecution and declination decisions, I.175–180
Hammerschmidt v. United States (1924), I.181
Hannity, Sean, I.28; II.99, 141
Harm to Ongoing Matter (HOM)
redactions, I.51, 54, 176–179, 188–190, 196–197; II.120, 128–130; B.5
Hawker, Jonathan, I.133–134; B.5
Heckler v. Chaney (1985), II.174
Heilbrunn, Jacob, I.107; B.5
Hicks, Hope, I.66 (note), 115, 145; II.21, 23, 32 (note), 47, 59, 71, 79, 94,
100–103, 105, 106, 108, 114–115, 121 (note); B.5
Holder, Eric, II.51, 61, 110, 112
Holt, Lester, II.73, 74; B.5
HOM. See Harm to Ongoing Matter
Homeland Security. See Department of Homeland Security
House of Representatives
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), I.195; II.28, 52–
53, 139, 144
HPSCI. See House of Representatives: Permanent Select Committee on
HRC. See Clinton, Hillary (Rodham)
Humphrey’s Executor v. United States (1935), II.174
Hunt, Jody, II.45, 63, 66–68, 78, 79, 94
I.C. Expert Investment Company, I.69–70; B.12
and Trump Tower Moscow project, I.69–70
identity theft
charges of, I.174
Illinois, I.50
Imbler v. Pachtman (1976), II.179 (note)
of President, II.179–180
of prosecutors, II.179 (note)
not a substitute for criminal liability of a President, II.178 (note)
valuing of, in campaign finance prosecutions, I.186, 188
IRA’s use of, I.15, 22, 31
Intelligence Community
asked to state President has “no connection to Russia,” II.55–57
assessment of Russian interference in election, II.22, 27–28
International Republican Institute (IRI), I.133
Internet Research Agency (IRA), B.12; D.2
funding and oversight of, I.16–19
political rallies organized by, I.29–31, 35
prosecution and declination decisions, I.174
social media accounts controlled by, I.22–29
structure of, I.15–19, 22
Trump Campaign interactions and contacts with, I.33–35
U.S. operations of, I.19–31
elections targeted by, I.19–35
considerations, II.12–14
President’s power to influence, II.157–158
Trump’s failure to limit, because some persons declined to carry out his
orders, II.158
Investigative Technique (IT), I.37, 39, 45, 47, 50, 149
IRA. See Internet Research Agency
foreign intelligence service of, I.62
no evidence of foreign agents acting for, I.183
U.N. vote on settlements, I.167–168, 195
IT. See Investigative Technique
Ivanov, Igor, I.88; B.5
Ivanov, Sergei, I.74; B.5
Johnson, Samuel
A Dictionary of the English Language, II.177
Johnson v. United States (2015), II.162 (note)
judicial proceedings
protection against corrupt acts, II.176–178
June 9, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower, I.98–123, 185–188; II.98–107; C.13
arranging of
arrangements for the meeting, I.110–117
emails about, II.98–107
purpose of, disputed, I.119; II.12
charges, possible
campaign finance considerations, I.185–188
conduct could be seen as criminal, II.157
conspiracy charge, considered and rejected, I.185–186
laws pertinent to, I.180
conduct of the meeting, I.117–120
attendees, I.117
knowledge of
awareness of the meeting, in the Trump Campaign, I.114–116
learning about in June 2017, II.99
media inquiries about, II.101, 103–105
public awareness of, I.121
statements afterward about the meeting, I.122; II.102, 105
suppression of emails about, II.98–107
Trump didn’t know about, claim, II.115–116, 148
Trump tells Communications staff not to disclose information about,
later events, I.120–123
influencing a, an obstructive act, II.131–132, 133
Justice. See Department of Justice
Justice Manual, I.174
Kasowitz, Marc, B.5
Katsyv, Denis, I.112, 119; B.5
Katsyv, Peter, I.112; B.5
Kaveladze, IrakJi “Ike,” I.67, 114, 116–117, 120–121; B.5
Kaverzina, Irina, B.5
Kazakhstan, I.124
Kelly, John, II.114 (note), 116–117; B.5
Kennedy, John, II.51
Kennedy, Robert, II.51, 61, 112
Khalilzad, Zalmay, I.107–108; B.5
Kilimnik, Konstantin, B.5; D.2
and Manafort, I.129–144, 166
ties to Russian intelligence (called a “spy”), I.133–134
Kislyak, Sergey, B.5
contacts with CNI, I.106–107
encounters with, after RNC 2016, I.127–129
Flynn’s communications with, I.167, 168, 194; II.24–26, 29–30, 36, 46
influence with Russian government, slight, I.167
meets with Kushner and Flynn in Trump Tower following the election,
meets with Sessions, I.103, 106–108, 123–124, 127–129, 197–198;
meets with Trump in Oval Office, II.71
and Putin message to Trump, I.145
at RNC 2016, I.102, 123–124
encounters Gordon, I.123–124
encounters Sessions, I.123–124; II.48
Trump Campaign’s avoidance of, II.20
Kissinger, Henry, I.104
Klein, David, I.90 (note)
Klimentov, Denis, I.99–100; B.5
Klimentov, Dmitri, I.99–100; B.6
Klokov, Dmitry, I.72–74; B.6
KLS Research LLC, I.63–65; B.12
knowing and willful, I.185
Kobyakov, Anton, I.79–80; B.6
Kolesnikov, Boris, I.135
Kostin, Andrey, I.76
Krasilnikov, Alexey, I.88 (note)
Kremlin, B.12
Krickovic, Andrej, I.99, 166; B.6
Krylova, Aleksandra, I.21; B.6
Kushner, Jared, B.6; C.13, 14
re Comey, II.39–40, 45, 64
contacts with Simes and CNI, I.103–110
Dmitriev wants to meet, I.150, 157, 158
re Flynn, II.121 (note)
and June 9, 2016, meeting, I.110, 114–119, 188; II.99, 100–101
meets with Gorkov, I.161–163
meets with Kislyak in Trump Tower following election, I.159–161
and Putin message to Trump, I.145
on Transition Team, I.168
in Trump Campaign, I.109, 141
re Trump Tower Moscow project, II.144
Kushner Companies, I.118
666 Fifth Avenue, I.162
debt of, I.162
Kuznetsov, Sergey, I.145, 161; B.6
Landrum, Pete, I.128–129; B.6
Lavrov, Sergey, I.172; B.6
meeting with Trump, II.71
laws faithfully executed, II.168, 177
Lazar, Berel, I.90 (note)
LCILP. See London Centre of International Law Practice
leaks, II.95, 100
Ledeen, Barbara, I.62–64; B.6
Ledeen, Michael, I.170; B.6
Ledgett, Richard, II.56, 82 (note); B.6
legal privilege, I.10
lenity, II.165, 167
LetterOne (LI), I.163; B.12
Lewandowski, Corey, I.78, 79–80, 82, 89–90, 99, 196; B.6
Trump asks him to tell Sessions to curtail Special Counsel Investigation,
II.90–93, 98
Trump dictates to, a speech for Sessions to deliver, II.91–92
Libya, I.154
Link Campus University, I.83; B.12
Logan Act, II.29, 30, 31, 32–33, 37
London Centre of International Law Practice (LCILP), I.81–82; B.12
Loughrin v. United States (2014), II.161, 163
Loving v. United States (1996), II.171
Trump’s demand for, II.12, 34–36
Luff, Sandra, I.128; B.6
Luhansk People’s Republic, I.139 (note)
Lutes, Joy, I.82
Lyovochkin, Serhiy, I.135, 142; B.6
Macchia, Jessica, I.79
Madison, James, II.171
Magnitsky, Sergei, I.112 (note); B.6
Magnitsky Act, I.110, 112, 114, 118, 120, 122; II.99
Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU). See GRU
Malaysia, I.168
Malloch, Theodore (Ted), I.55–56; B.7
malware, Russian
implantation on DCCC and DNC networks, I.38–40
Manafort, Paul Jr., I.129–144; B.7; C.13, 14, 21; D.2
conviction and sentencing, I.129 (note)
criminal trial (July 2018), II.125–126
false statements as cooperating witness, I.130 (note)
indicted on multiple felony counts, II.122
not charged with FARA violation, I.183
pardon for, possibility, II.124–125, 127–128, 132–133
investigation of
authorized by Special Counsel, I.11–12
and June 9, 2016, meeting, I.110, 114–118, 188; II.99, 100
note taking of, I.118 (note)
political consulting work, I.132
re Putin, I.89–90
ties with Russia, I.131–134; II.20
ties with Ukraine, I.129, 131–134, 182; II.16, 20
in Trump Campaign
as chairman, I.129–141
contacts during campaign, I.109, 135–141
joins campaign, I.134–135
resignation, and post-campaign activities, I.141–144
Trump’s conduct toward, II.122–128
said to be treated “unfairly,” II.123–124, 131
supported by Trump’s statements, II.123, 126, 149
and Wikileaks, I.52; II.18
Marinello v. United States (2018), II.9, 164 (note), 165, 166
Marriott, I.68
Mashburn, John, I.125, 126–127; B.7
McCabe, Andrew, II.37, 69, 71–72; B.7
McConnell, Mitch, II.49
McCord, Mary, II.31; B.7
McDonnell v. United States (2016), II.166
McFarland, Kathleen (K.T.), I.142, 167, 169–172, 194; II.25, 26, 29, 48, 121
(note); B.7
asked to deny President directed Flynn’s discussions with Kislyak, II.42–
44, 48
McFaul, Michael, I.28
McGahn, Donald, B.7
asked to deny that the President tried to fire the Special Counsel,
by a letter for the file, II.115–120
asked to have Special Counsel removed, II.84–89
called a “lying bastard,” II.115
re Comey, II.45–47, 53–55, 59, 63, 65–68, 71, 72–73, 79
decides to resign, II.86–87
re Flynn, II.31–37
interviews with, by Special Counsel investigators, II.119
re Sessions, II.49, 50–51, 95, 108
re Special Counsel, II.78, 81–82, 98
re Special Counsel investigation, II.89, 90
took notes, II.117
media reports
of June 9, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower, II.103–105
of Russia investigation, I.163, 164–165
of Russian support for Trump, II.15–23
of Trump being investigated for obstruction of justice, II.84–87, 89
of Trump Campaign links with Russia, II.16–17
of Trump’s delay in terminating Flynn, II.41–42, 82
of Trump trying to fire Special Counsel, II.83, 113–114
Medvedev, Dmitry, I.77; II.137; B.7
Meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016. See June 9, 2016, meeting at
Trump Tower
Meet the Press, II.115
Melnik, Yuriy, I.88 (note); B.7
mens rea
proved by circumstantial evidence, II.13
MHJ (company), I.75
Michigan, I.140
Mifsud, Joseph, I.81, 83–84, 87–89, 90–91, 192–193; B.7
interview of, I.192
Miller, Matt, I.125–126; B.7
Miller, Stephen, I.80, 89, 93, 105, 109; II.54, 64–66, 75; B.7
Millian, Sergei, I.94–95; B.7
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) (Russia), I.88, 90
Minnesota, I.140
Miss Universe Pageant (2013), I.67–68, 111
Mnuchin, Steven, B.7
money laundering, I.117
Morrison v. Olson (1988), II.172, 177
Trump real estate projects in, I.67, 70
See also Trump Tower Moscow project
Mueller, Robert S. III
appointed Special Counsel, II.77–90
cleared to serve, II.90
conflicts of interest, alleged by Trump, II.80–84, 113
interview to be FBI Director, II.80
See also Special Counsel
Müller-Maguhn, Andrew, I.47; B.7
Myers v. United States (1926), II.172, 174
Nader, George, I.147–159; B.7
arranges Prince and Dmitriev meeting in the Seychelles, I.151–153
Nalobin, Sergei, I.88 (note)
National Interest, I.103
National Security Agency (NSA), II.12, 56–57
National Stolen Property Act (NSPA), I.176 (note)
NATO, II.16. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution, II.174
NES. See New Economic School
Netyksho, Viktor, B.7; D.2
Netyksho indictment, I.175–176
New Economic School (NES) (Moscow), I.99; B.12
New York Daily News, II.124
New York state, I.31
New York Times, II.93–94, 101–105, 106, 110, 113–115, 118, 119, 138, 145
New Zealand, I.168
nexus to a pending or contemplated official proceeding, II.9
Nixon v. Administrator of General Services (1977), II.171, 172, 173, 176,
177, 179, 180
Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982), II.172, 178, 180
Nizharadze, Simon, I.70
NSA. See National Security Agency
Obama, Barack, I.168; II.32 (note), 51, 110
Obama administration
foreign policy, in transition period, I.172
sanctions on Russia, II.22
obstruction of justice, I.191–199
charges of, I.180
obstructive acts, II.9
three elements pertinent to, I.192
obstruction of justice investigation
cases, II.44–48, 60, 74, 87, 97, 99, 105, 111, 118, 131, 153
factual results of the, II.15–158
overarching issues, II.156–158
obstruction of justice statutes
absence of clear statement to apply to presidential conduct does not
limit obstruction statutes, II.169–171
application to the President, II.167–168
constitutional defenses, II.168–181
legal defenses, II.159–180
statutory defenses, II.160–168
effect on President’s capacity to perform Article II responsibilities,
governing law, I.191–192
history of, II.176
legal and evidentiary principles, II.9–14
Section 1512(c)(2)
applicability to the conduct of the Russia Investigation, II.165–167
judicial decisions support a broad reading of, II.162–164
legislative history of, does not support narrowing of text, II.164–165
text of, prohibits a broad range of obstructive acts, II.160–162
ODNI. See Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)
Constitutionality of Legislation Extending the Term of the FBI Director,
II.175 (note)
Constraints Imposed by 18 U.S.C. Section 1913 on Lobbying Efforts,
Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, II.169, 170, 176 (note),
Sitting President’s Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution,
II.1–2, 172, 178 (note)
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNJ), II.55
appointment of, II.168
inferior, removal of, II.172, 175
principal, removal of, II.174
Oganov, Georgiy, I.142; B.8
Oknyansky, Henry (a/k/a Henry Greenberg), I.61–62; B.8
OLC. See Office of Legal Counsel
oligarchs, Russian
regular quarterly meetings with Putin, I.146, 163
Opinions Clause of the Constitution, II.174
Opposition Bloc (Ukraine), I.135, 138, 141; B.12
opposition research
valuation of, I.187
otherwise, II.161
Page, Carter, I.95–103; B.8
contact with Dvorkovich, I.166–167
investigation of
authorized by Special Counsel, I.11
not charged with FARA violation, I.183
post-election, applies to Presidential Transition Team, I.102–103
pro-Russian positions, I.95
ties with Russia, I.96–97; II.16
trip to Moscow, I.98–101
in Trump campaign
early campaign work, I.97–98
later campaign work, I.102–103
removal from the campaign, I.102–103; II.20
Palestinian territory, I.167–168
Papadopoulos, George, B.8; D.6
false statements and obstruction of justice, I.192–194
not charged with FARA violation, I.183
investigation of
authorized by Special Counsel, I.11–12
learns that Russia has Clinton emails, I.86–89
links with Israel, I.183
Russia-related contacts, I.82–85, 94–95
talk to representative of unnamed foreign government, I.89
in Trump Campaign, I.80–95
acts prior to joining Campaign, I.192
email to Campaign re Russian contacts, I.84
removed from Campaign, I.93
offered in public view, II.7
offer of, prior to pardoning, II.173
presidential power of, II.123 (note)
Parscale, Bradley, I.34; B.8
“party line” about Trump’s involvement with Russia, II.139–144
Party of Regions (Ukraine), I.132, 141; B.12
Patten, William Jr. (Sam), I.133; B.8; D.2
Pattern Jury Instructions, II.14
Pence, Mike, I.137; II.20–21, 29–30, 31, 37
Pennsylvania, I.31, 140
Pericles Emerging Market Partners LLP, I.131–132, 135–136, 142; B.12
governing law, I.192
Personal Privacy (PP), redactions, I.199
Peskov, Dmitry, I.74, 77, 100, 149–150, 196; II.136, 141; B.8; C.20
Phares, Walid, I.90–92, 99; B.8
Pinedo, Richard, I.175; B.8; D.6
Pittston Coal Group v. Sebben (1998), II.164
PJSC Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System, I.72
Plepler, Richard, I.104
Podesta, John Jr., I.37; II.20, 22; B.8
emails of, stolen, and released by WikiLeaks, I.47–48, 56, 58–59, 176;
Podobnyy, Victor, I.96–97; B.8
Poliakova, Elena, I.75; II.136; B.8
political rallies
organized and promoted by IRA, I.14, 29–31, 35
Polonskaya, Olga, I.81 (note), 84, 87, 192–193; B.8
Pompeo, Michael, II.55, 57, 60; B.8
Porter, Robert, II.107–108, 109, 110, 115–116, 119, 123; B.8
Posikhin, Michail, I.70
PP. See Personal Privacy
criminal liability after a President leaves office, II.178 (note)
immunity from indictment, II.179–180
meaning of word “hopes” used by, II.45
personal interest of, and corruption, II.179
See also Trump, Donald J. (as President)
President, office of
Article II authority, II.159
capacity to perform Article II responsibilities
effect of an obstruction of justice investigation on, II.156, 178–180
obstruction statutes applied to, II.156, 169–171, 173–176
separation-of-powers principles allow Congress to prohibit obstructive
acts, II.171–178
Presidential Administration of Russia, I.72
Presidential Transition Team (PTT), I.144–146
contacts with Aven, I.163–166
contacts with Foresman, I.80
contacts with Russia through Flynn, I.167–168
Dmitriev’s outreach to, I.147–159
lacked a secure line, I.160–161
Page applies to, I.102–103
Russian government outreach to, I.145, 169
not responding to, the ultimate sin, in Trump’s opinion, II.106
See also media reports
Prevezon Holdings Ltd., I.112, 119; B.12
Prevezon litigation, I.116
Priebus, Reince, I.169, 171; II.22, 23, 25, 29–30, 32, 32 (note), 33, 37–38,
40, 42–43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 59, 65, 68, 69, 79–80, 82–83, 87, 88, 94–96, 99, 103, 115, 121 (note); B.8
ordered to demand Session’s resignation, II.94–96
Prigozhin, Yevgeniy Viktorovich, I.14; B.8
funding of IRA, I.16–19
Prikhodko, Sergei, I.78, 79; B.9; C.22
Prince, Erik, I.64, 147, 148–149; B.9
deleted phone messages, I.156
meets Dmitriev in the Seychelles, I.151–156
reports to Bannon re meeting with Dmitriev, I.155–156
Principles of Federal Prosecution, I.179
privilege, II.139 (note). See also attorney-client privilege
Progress for America PAC, I.60
Project A, I.164–165
prosecution and declination decisions, I.174–199; II.1–2
presumption of regularity, II.179
protection against unfounded investigations, II.179 (note)
regarding President, II.1, 179
regarding Russian persons, I.174–180
regarding U.S. persons, I.180–199
PTT. See Presidential Transition Team
Public Citizen v. United States Department of Justice (1989), II.169, 171,
172, 173
public-facing acts
not excluded from obstruction statutes, II.157
Pulse nightclub shooting, I.116 (note); C.15
Putin, Vladimir V., C.15
chief of staff of, I.165–166
congratulations to President-Elect Trump, I.145
desire to connect with Trump Administration, I.165
desire to meet Candidate Trump, I.86–87, 89–90, 108 (note)
direct lines to, I.160
influence of, sought, I.84
and Magnitsky Act, I.112
meetings with, proposed, I.71, 72, 73, 76, 77–78; II.137, 141–142
phone calls with Trump, I.145, 158–159
quarterly meeting of oligarchs (December 2016), I.163
response to U.S. sanctions, II.25–26
ties to Deripaska, I.131
ties to Prigozhin, I.17
Trump’s praise of, II.16
VEB reporting to, as result of talks with Trump team, I.162
PutinTrump.org, I.60
“17 Angry Democrats,” II.125
“Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial
judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions” (Special Counsel), II.182
“Comey better hope that there are no tapes,” II.82 (note)
“fake news, folks,” II.114
“I always knew he [Putin] was very smart!” II.26
“I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told
me to fire the FBI Director!” II.89
“if it’s what you say I love it” (Trump Jr.), II.99
“if we had confidence . . that the President clearly did not commit
obstruction of justice, we would so state” (Special Counsel), II.182
“I have nothing to do with Russia,” II.19
“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.
He is a good guy,” II.40
“I just want to be treated fairly,” II.112
“I need loyalty. I expect loyalty,” II.34–35
“I never said to fire Mueller. I never said ‘fire’ ,” II.116
“I was going to fire Comey knowing there was no good time to do it,”
“Lawyers don’t take notes. I never had a lawyer who took notes,” II.117
“like gum on the bottom of your shoe” (Christie), II.39
“no person in this country is so high that he is above the law” (Supreme
Court), II.180–181
“not again, this guy [Flynn],” II.32
“Putin has won” (redacted name, possibly Russian), I.149
“Russia if you’re listening,” I.49; II.18; C.18
“Russian Witch Hunt Hoax,” II.111
“She’s a . . . sadistic sociopath” (Assange), I.44
“somebody sitting in a bed some place,” II.21
“This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked,” II.78
“this Russia thing is far from over” (Christie), II.38
“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a
crime, it also does not exonerate him” (Special Counsel), II.182
“Who wouldn’t have taken a meeting like that?” II.105
“Why mention it if it is not a deal?” II.19
“why should I lose lots of opportunities?” [re Trump Tower Moscow],
“witch hunt (excuse for big election loss),” II.43–44
“You left me on an island,” II.63, 75
“you were supposed to protect me,” II.78
Radical Islamic Terrorism, C.15
Raffel, Josh, II.100, 101; B.9
Rafiekian, Bijan, D.1
Rasin, Alexei, I.61–62; B.9
RDIF. See Russian Direct Investment Fund
reconciliation with Russia, I.157–159
five-point plan for, I.158
redacted material. See Grand Jury; Harm to Ongoing Matter; Investigative
Technique; Personal Privacy
Refugee Act of 1980, II.169
for corrupt purpose, II.175
for good cause, II.174, 175
power of President, II.174
Republican National Committee, I.124
Republican National Convention (RNC) of 2016 (Cleveland), I.77, 78, 102,
123–127; II.48
change to Republican Party platform, I.124–127; II.17
contacts with Kislyak after, I.127–129
Republican Party
platform, 2012, I.124
platform, 2016, I.123, 124–127; II.17
primaries, 2016, C.13
RIAC. See Russian International Affairs Council
Rich, Seth, I.48
Rogers, Michael, II.56–57, 60, 82 (note); B.9
Roscongress Foundation, I.79–80; B.12
Rosenstein, Rod J., B.9
appoints Mueller, I.11; II.78
and Comey’s firing, II.66–70
recommended Comey firing, supposedly, II.69–70, 72–73
re Sessions, II.96
re Special Counsel, II.81, 85, 117
Rosneft, I.100–101; B.12
Rozov, Andrei Vladimirovich, I.69; B.9
RT News (Russian), II.16
Rtskhiladze, Giorgi, I.69–70; B.9
Ruddy, Christopher, II.82–83; B.9
Russello v. United States (1983), II.161
Russia, C.22
Manafort ties with, I.131–134, 182
sanctions against. See sanctions, U.S., against Russia
travel to
avoided during Trump Campaign, I.90
invitations to Trump and Cohen, I.76–80; II.137
planned and proposed, I.76–80, 196
Trump denies contact or connections with, II.15, 18, 19, 23, 42
Trump’s desire to have better relations with, I.150, 169; II.56–57, 61, 71,
Trump’s election, effect of, I.141–142
and Ukraine, I.130, 140
See also Russian government
Russia Investigation
(into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by FBI prior
to appointment of Special Counsel)
beginning of, I.6
conducted by Special Counsel, II.78
Flynn interviewed in, II.30
mentioned in letter firing Comey, II.67
obstruction of justice statutes applicable to, II.165–167
public confirmation of, II.48–61
confirmed by Comey, II.52–55
replaced by the Special Counsel Investigation, I.11
Sessions recuses from, II.48–52
Trump tries again to have Sessions take over, II.93, 97, 107–113
Trump tries to have Sessions unrecuse, II.109–111
Trump asks Comey to “Lift the Cloud” of, II.57–60
Trump’s desire to end, II.47, 82
See also Special Counsel Investigation
Russian-American Chamber of Commerce, I.94
Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), I.147–148, 157; B.12
Russian government, C.15
CNI contacts with, I.104
contacts with Trump. See next heading
foreign intelligence service of, I.62, 133–134
intelligence officers in U.S., I.96–97
leverage over Flynn, potentially, II.30
Manafort ties with, I.131–134
no evidence of foreign agents acting for, I.183
outreach to Presidential Transition Team, I.169
Page ties with, I.96–97
Prosecutor General, role of, I.113 (note)
and Trump Tower Moscow project, I.70, 72
Russian government contacts with Trump, I.180–199
alternative channels for, I.146–147, 164
Cohen adheres to “party line” distancing Candidate Trump from Russia,
outreach to Trump after election, I.145
Trump denies contact or connections with Russia, II.21–23, 55–57
re Trump Tower Moscow project, I.70–76
Russian interference in U.S. election
agents possessing “dirt” on Clinton, I.81, 86–89
Congressional investigations of, II.28
evidence lacking that Trump was involved in, II.157
FBI investigation of, I.165; II.52
hacking and dumping operations, I.36–65, 175–180; II.17–18
indications that it could assist Trump Campaign, I.93
Intelligence Community’s assessment of, II.22, 27–28
links with Trump Campaign, I.108; II.16–17
prosecution and declination decisions, I.175–180
social media campaign “Active Measures,” I.14–34, 174–175
Trump’s doubts about, I.172; II.21–22
U.S. sanctions in response to, I.168–169
Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), I.88; B.13
Russian Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. See GRU
Russian persons (agents)
prosecution and declination decisions, I.174–180
reaching out to Transition Team, I.146
Russian support for Trump Campaign
allegations of, II.18–21
campaign period, I.66–144
denied by Trump, II.21–23
links between Trump Campaign and Russia, I.180; II.16–17
media reports of, II.15–23
post-election and transition period, I.144–173
Trump Jr. told of, I.113
Ryabinskiy, Andrey, I.75
Ryabkov, Sergey, II.21 (note)
Rybicki, James, II.41 (note), 45; B.9
Rykov, Konstantin, I.66 (note)
Sale v. Haitian Centers Council (1993), II.169, 171
Salinas v. United States (1997), II.171
Samochornov, Anatoli, I.116–117, 119, 122–123; B.9
sanctions, U.S., against Russia, I.102, 110, 125, 161, 163, 168–173; II.29,
Flynn discusses with Kislyak, I.167, 170–173, 194; II.24–26, 29
Putin’s concerns about, I.146–147
Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, II.72, 76, 83, 105, 115, 119, 125, 147 (note);
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, II.164
Sater, Felix, I.69, 70–72, 74–80, 196; II.135–137; B.9; C.20
invites Cohen to travel to Russia, I.76–78; II.135
Saturday Night Massacre (Nixon era), II.86
Saunders, Paul J., I.105–106, 107, 108; B.9
SBOE. See State boards of elections
Schweizer, Peter, I.116 (note); C.15
scienter requirement, I.187
SCO. See Special Counsel’s Office
Sealed Case, In re, II.180
Sechin, Igor, I.100; B.9
Sections of U.S. Code. See under United States Code
Senate, U.S.
Foreign Relations Committee, I.128
Judiciary Committee (SJC), I.67, 115, 119; II.28, 62, 75
Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), I.195; II.28, 52, 82, 99, 106
Senegal, I.168
separation-of-powers principles, II.168–169
allow Congress to prohibit obstructive acts of President, II.171–178
balancing test, II.172–173
impairing another branch, II.171
protecting another branch, II.177
Sessions, Jefferson III (Jeff), B.9
attacks by Trump, II.108, 110–111
defends self, II.111
New York Times interview of Trump, II.93–94
tweet attacks on, II.96
decision not to charge, I.198
false statements and obstruction of justice by, I.197–198
re Comey, II.39–40, 45, 66–70, 72
investigation of
authorized by Special Counsel, I.12
asked by Trump to continue as Attorney General, II.79
Attorney General confirmation hearings, I.103, 107, 197–198
replaced by Trump, November 2018, II.111
recusal from the Russia Investigation, I.11; II.48–52, 60–61
asked to ask Special Counsel to end the investigation into Trump
Campaign, II.97
Lewandowski messages to, II.93
Trump’s anger at, II.63, 91, 93
Trump tries to have him unrecuse, II.107–111
yet ordered to direct Special Counsel to stop investigating Trump
Campaign, II.99
Priebus asked to demand Session’s resignation, II.94–96
resignation letter, II.79–80
second resignation letter, II.96
Trump tells to resign, II.79
Russian connections
interactions with CNI, I.107–108
meets Kislyak, I.103, 106–108, 123–124, 127–129, 197–198; II.94
re Special Counsel, II.78
in Trump Campaign, I.84, 85–86; II.51
Israeli, on Palestinian territory, I.167–168
meeting of Prince and Dmitriev in, I.147, 151–156
Shaw v. United States (2016), II.161, 163, 164
Shoygu, Sergey, B.9
Silberman, Laurence H.
Conflict of Interest Problems Arising out of the President’s Nomination of
Nelson A. Rockefeller to be Vice President. . ., II.170, 176 (note)
Silk Road Group, B.13
Simes, Dimitri, I.103–110, 145, 164–165; B.9
connects with Trump Campaign, I.103–105
Sisi, Abdel Fattah al-, I.168
SJC. See Senate, U.S., Judiciary Committee
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, D.4
Skilling v. United States (2010), II.166
Smith, Peter, I.62–65; B.10
The Smoking Gun (news outlet), I.43
social media, IRA and, I.22–29. See also Active Measures campaign
spearfishing, I.36–37
Special Counsel (Robert Mueller)
appointment of Robert Mueller, II.77–90; A.1
Appointment Order and regulations, II.9
firing attempts
denial that the President tried to fire, II.113–120
McGahn ordered to remove, II.84–89
reports of, II.113–114
Trump tries to fire, II.77–90
no good cause to terminate, II.83, 90
removal by President, allowed, II.175
Trump’s reaction to appointment, II.77–90
See also Mueller, Robert
Special Counsel Investigation, I.11–13
(into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, during
Trump presidency)
Appointment Order, “to investigate Russian interference with the 2016
presidential election and related matters,” I.174
attempt to curtail, II.90–98
Trump asks Lewandowski to tell Sessions to curtail, II.90–93
conclusions of, II.182
coordination of Trump Campaign with Russia not established, I.66
decisions not to charge, I.8–9, 198–199; II.182
evidence of facts collected, I.2, 9–10
team and support staff, I.13
See also Russia Investigation
Special Counsel Office
email to, I.73 (note)
Special Counsel Report
Executive Summary of Volume I, I.4–10
Executive Summary of Volume II, II.3–8
structure of, in two Volumes, I.2–3
Spicer, Sean, II.23, 29–30, 69, 70; B.10
SSCI. See Senate, U.S., Select Committee on Intelligence
State. See Department of State
state boards of elections (SBOEs)
hacking of, I.50
Steele, Christopher, II.23, 27–28, 34
report, II.53, 103, 139, 144
Stone, Roger J. Jr., B.10; C.18–19; D.3
and Clinton emails, I.61–62
introduces Manafort to Trump, I.134
investigation of
authorized by Special Counsel, I.12
response to IRA tweets, I.28
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, I.77–80; II.137; B.13; C.22
Supreme Court
separation-of-powers balancing test, II.172–173
Sykes v. United States (2011), II.162 (note)
Syria, I.160
TAG. See Transatlantic Parliamentary Group on Counterterrorism
Tatneft, I.101; B.13
tax evasion, I.117
admissible, I.10
The Smoking Gun (news outlet), I.43
in campaign finance prosecutions, I.186–187
Tillerson, Rex, I.158; B.10
Timofeev, Ivan, I.81 (note), 88, 89, 90, 94, 192; B.10
Tome v. United States (1995), II.14
Transatlantic Parliamentary Group on Counterterrorism (TAG), I.91; B.13
Transition Team. See Presidential Transition Team
Trump, Donald J.
legitimacy of election win, concern, II.23, 25, 47, 97, 157
memoranda prepared by those who had talks with Trump, II.56
motives that could explain conduct responding to Russia investigation,
no links with Russia, claim, II.61, 76, 137, 142, 155; C.20
Trump asks Intelligence Community to state, II.55–57
not under investigation, concern, II.53–54, 58–59, 62–64, 75, 76, 84,
Comey’s informing of, II.64
personal counsel of, II.99, 139–140, 142–143, 153–154, 159
tweets, II.84, 89
See also following entries
Trump, Donald J. (as businessman)
business connections in Russia, exploitability of, I.164
dealmaking of, I.71
personal Twitter account, I.34
real estate projects in Russia, I.67, 70
Russia travel invitation, I.78–80
signs Letter of Intent for Trump Tower Moscow project, I.70–72
visit to Moscow proposed, I.75–76
Trump, Donald J. (as Candidate)
appointments made by, I.84
early promotion of, I.71–72
election win, I.141; II.21
in foreign policy advisors team meeting, I.85
intent to run for President, II.16
knowledge of June 9, 2016, meeting, I.115–116
Putin’s desire to meet, I.86–87, 89–90, 108 (note)
speech on foreign policy, I.103, 105–107
travel to Russia, proposed, I.78–80, 90
and Trump Tower Moscow project, II.134–138
on Ukraine, I.125
See also Trump Campaign
Trump, Donald J. (as President)
and Cohen, II.134–156
conduct after Cohen began cooperating with government, II.148–152
sends messages of support to Cohen, II.144–148
and Comey
decides to terminate Comey, II.64–74
dinner with FBI director Comey, II.12, 24, 32–36
Daily Diary, II.35
and Flynn, II.120–133
asks K.T. McFarland to deny President directed Flynn’s discussions
with Kislyak, II.42–44
conduct concerning the investigation of Flynn, II.24–28, 32
delay in terminating Flynn, questioned by media, II.41–42
discusses Flynn with FBI director Comey, II.12, 24, 32–36, 38–41,
interviews with newspapers, II.93–94
interview with, sought by Special Counsel, II.119
declined, II.13
delay it might produce, II.13
investigation of
asks Intelligence Community to publicly state Trump has no
connection to Russia, II.55–57
Comey declines to say if President is under investigation, II.12, 62–
investigated for obstruction of justice, press reports, II.84–87
June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower
directs Donald Trump Jr.’s response to Press Inquiries about, II.101
learns of emails about, II.98
tells Communications staff not to disclose information about, II.100–
tries to prevent disclosure of emails about, II.98–107
legitimacy of election
challenges to, noted by Trump, II.47
and Manafort, II.122–128, 149
and McCabe
asked McCabe whom he voted for, II.72
and Mueller
asserts Mueller has conflicts of interest, II.80–84
directs White House Counsel to have Mueller removed, II.84–87
orders McGahn to deny that the President tried to fire Mueller, II.113–
tries to have McGahn dispute the Press Reports, II.114–118
tries to remove Mueller, II.77–90
and Russia investigation
asks Comey to “Lift the Cloud” created by the Russia Investigation,
briefed on Russian Interference in election, II.27–28
reaction to public confirmation of the FBI’s Russia Investigation,
and Sessions
again tries to have Sessions reverse his recusal, II.107–108
again tries to have Sessions take over the Russia Investigation,
criticizes Sessions in a New York Times interview, II.93–94
orders Priebus to demand Session’s resignation, II.94–96
terminates Sessions, II.111
and Special Counsel Investigation
asks Lewandowski to tell Sessions to curtail Special Counsel
Investigation, II.90–92
efforts to curtail the Special Counsel Investigation, II.90–98
follows up with Lewandowski, II.92–93
Written Questions to, II.149
Written Responses of, I.110, 116 (note); II.13, 149–150; C.1–18
Trump, Donald J. (as President-Elect)
briefed on Intelligence Community’s assessment of Russian interference
in election, II.27–28
doubts about Russian interference charge, I.171; II.21–22
legitimacy of election concern, II.23, 25, 157
phone call with Putin, I.145, 158–159
Trump, Donald J. Jr., I.113–120; B.10; C.13, 14
interaction with WikiLeaks, I.59–60
IRA retweets, I.33, 34
June 9, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower, I.110–114, 121, 185, 187; II.99,
100, 102–103, 148
response to press inquiries about, II.101–103, 104
Russian attempts to connect with, I.150
Trump Tower Moscow project, I.67–69; II.135
Trump, Eric, I.33–34, 115; B.10
Trump, Ivanka, I.68, 69, 72, 78, 115; II.100–101, 135; B.10
Trump2016.ru, I.66 (note)
Trump Acquisition, I.70
Trump Campaign
and Clinton
disparaging of, I.183
informed about Clinton “dirt,” I.81–82, 93–94
collusion or coordination with Russia question, I.66; II.28, 76
contacts with WikiLeaks, I.52–54
dissemination of hacked materials, I.51–65; II.17–18
reaction to WikiLeak’s release of hacked emails, II.17–18
foreign policy advisors, I.80–81, 95, 97–98, 104, 108, 124, 127
need for, I.82
team meeting (March 31, 2016), I.85–86
foreign policy matters, I.103
as infomercial for Trump-branded properties, I.72
investigation of, II.97–98
authorized by Special Counsel, I.12
casting doubt on legitimacy of election, II.97
might uncover crimes or embarrass Trump, II.76
IRA interactions and contacts, I.33–35
IRA posts promoted by Trump campaign, I.33–34
IRA support of Trump Campaign, I.23, 25
political rallies, I.29–31, 35
Manafort’s plan to win, I.140
meetings without official backing of, I.92
Papadopoulos position on, I.80–95, 192
platform changes
request for, I.125–127
polling data shared with Kilimnik, I.130–131, 135
portrayed by media as pro-Russian, I.95, 102
rallies in support of, I.14, 29–31, 35
Russian links and contacts, I.66–144
alleged, II.16–17
avoiding hidden Russian contacts, I.108
communications about, I.89–93
interactions and contacts with IRA, I.33–35
June 9, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower, I.114–116
offers of assistance to campaign, by Russians, I.72
post-election and transition period, I.144–173
Trump-Putin meeting, proposed, I.98
Russian support for candidate Trump
alleged, I.148; II.18–21
Concord companies’ support, I.14
response to media reports of, II.15–23
Trump name and brand, II.135
Trump National Golf Club, II.80 (note)
Trump Organization, C.20
and June 9, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower, I.121–122; II.99
in Moscow, I.67
projects outside the United States, I.67–68
and Trump Tower Moscow project, II.76, 134, 143
Trump Tower, New York
Trump Campaigners meeting in, I.149, 152
Trump Tower Moscow project, I.67–80; C.20
Cohen’s false statements to Congress concerning, I.195–196; II.20,
139–144, 155
Cohen’s involvement in, I.67, 69–80; II.134–144
false statements to media
Cohen’s, II.138–139
Trump’s, II.150
“party line” regarding, II.20, 134, 142
beginning idea for, I.110–111
Candidate Trump’s involvement in, II.19, 77, 134–138
letter of intent (LOI), I.70–76; II.135; C.20
pursued till end of 2018, claim, II.152
Trump’s decision to abandon, question as to when, II.150–151, 155
later contacts with Russian persons, I.72–76
Trump Organization involvement, II.134, 143
Tsekhomsky, Nikolay, I.162
IRA’s use of, I.22
Turkey, I.183
botnet activities, I.26–29
IRA’s use of, I.15, 22, 26–29, 31
Ukraine, C.22
eastern, I.138, 139–140
Russian peace plan to control, I.130, 140
East West Institute plan, I.80
lethal defensive weapons sent to, I.125–127
Manafort ties with, I.129, 131–134, 182; II.20
National Anti-Corruption Bureau, I.143
peace plan for, I.130, 142–144
political parties in, I.132, 135
political situation in, I.138
presidential election of 2019, I.144
Russian aggression against, I.123, 125
Russian influence in, I.132
Trump and, I.125
Trump’s election, effect of, I.141–142
U.S. persons working for, I.182–183
Unified Energy System, I.72
Unit 26165 (GRU), I.36–41, 49; B.13
Unit 74455 (GRU), I.37, 42; B.13
United Arab Emirates (UAE), I.147
sovereign wealth funds, I.147–148
United Nations
General Assembly 2015, II.153
Security Council
vote on Israeli settlements, I.167–168, 195
United States
elections. See elections, U.S.
relations with Russia, I.123–124, 147, 160, 162
need for reconciliation, I.150
potential harm of sanctions to, I.169
18 United States Code
Section 201(b)(2), II.180
Section 924(c)(2)(B)(ii), II.162
Section 1001, II.31, 32, 36, 46
Section 1030, I.175–179
Section 1084, II.161 (note)
Section 1503, II.9, 12, 160, 165, 171
omnibus clause, II.163
Section 1503(a), II.167
Section 1505, II.9, 160, 167, 171
Section 1512, II.10
Section 1512(a)(2)(B)(ii), II.161
Section 1512(b), II.160, 171
Section 1512(b)(2)(B), II.161
Section 1512(b)(3), II.168
Section 1512(c)(1), II.160
Section 1512(c)(2), II.9, 159, 160–167, 171
United States v. Aguilar (1995), II.9, 10, 163, 164 (note), 166, 167, 168
United States v. Ahrensfield (10th Cir. 2012), II.162
United States v. Alex van der Zwaan, D.6
United States v. Armstrong (1996), II.168, 179, 180
United States v. Arnold (7th Cir. 1985), II.13
United States v. Bijan Rafiekian and Kamil Ekim Alptekin, D.1
United States v. Binday (2d Cir. 2015), II.157
United States v. Brenson (11th Cir. 1997), II.163, 166, 167 (note)
United States v. Brewster (1972), II.173
United States v. Bridges (D.C. Cir. 1983), I.192
United States v. Brown (10th Cir. 1991), I.176 (note)
United States v. Burns (6th Cir. 2002), II.11
United States v. Byrne (1st Cir. 2006), II.11, 168
United States v. Campa (11th Cir. 2008), I.182
United States v. Cardoza (D.C. Cir. 2013), I.183 (note)
United States v. Chemical Foundation, Inc. (1926), II.179
United States v. Cintolo (1st Cir. 1987), II.9, 13
United States v. Cohen (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 29, 2018), I.195
United States v. Concord Management & Consulting (D.D.C. 2018), I.174,
United States v. Croteau (11th Cir. 2016), II.13
United States v. Cueto (7th Cir. 1998), II.9
United States v. Dale (D.C. Cir. 1993), I.192
United States v. Danielczyk (E.D. Va. 2013), I.185
United States v. Davis (11th Cir. 2017), II.12
United States v. Dumeisi (7th Cir. 2005), I.181, 182
United States v. Duran (11th Cir. 2010), I.181, 182
United States v. Edlind (2d Cir. 2012), II.11, 13
United States v. Edwards (7th Cir. 2017), II.166
United States v. Fowler (4th Cir. 1991), I.186
United States v. Frankhauser (1st Cir. 1996), II.13
United States v. Gabriel (2d Cir. 1997), II.11
United States v. Gaudin (1995), I.192
United States v. George Papadopoulos, I.193–194; D.6
United States v. Girard (2nd Cir. 1979), I.186
United States v. Gonzales (1997), II.164
United States v. Gordon (10th Cir. 2013), II.10, 166
United States v. Gray (2d Cir. 2011), II.163
United States v. Greer (6th Cir. 2017), II.157
United States v. Haldeman (D.C. Cir. 1976), II.165
United States v. Howard (5th Cir. 1978), II.163, 166
United States v. Internet Research Agency, D.2
United States v. Irving (10th Cir. 2011, II.11
United States v. Jeter (6th Cir. 1985), I.186
United States v. Klein (1872), II.173
United States v. Konstantin Kilimnik, D.2
United States v. Kumar (2nd Cir. 2010), II.160 (note), 163
United States v. LaShay (7th Cir. 2005), II.11
United States v. Latchin (7th Cir. 2009), I.181
United States v. Lee (1882), II.181
United States v. Leisure (8th Cir. 1988), II.12, 163
United States v. Lucas (8th Cir. 2007), II.11
United States v. Manafort (D.D.C. 2018), I.12
United States v. Manafort (E.D.Va. 2018), I.12
United States v. Martinez (2nd Cir. 2017), II.10, 162
United States v. Matzkin (4th Cir. 1994), I.186
United States v. McKibbins (7th Cir. 2011), II.161
United States v. Michael Cohen (S.D.N.Y Dec. 12, 2018), II.135 (note)
United States v. Michael Flynn, D.1
United States v. Michael T. Flynn (D.D.C. Dec. 1, 2017), I.183, 195
United States v. Milton (D.C. Cir. 1993), I.191
United States v. Moore (D.C. Cir. 2010), I.192
United States v. Morrison (D.C. Cir. 1996), II.167 (note), 174, 175, 175
United States v. Nilsen (11th Cir. 1992), I.186
United States v. Nixon (1974), II.172, 174, 176, 177, 179, 181
United States v. Nobles (1975), II.14
United States v. Nosal (9th Circ. 2012), I.179
United States v. Pasha (D.C. Cir. 2015), II.10, 178
United States v. Paul Manafort, D.2
United States v. Pennington (8th Cir. 1999), II.11
United States v. Perkins (1886), II.175
United States v. Petruk (8th Cir. 2015), II.10, 166
United States v. Phillips (10th Cir. 2009), II.10, 162, 166
United States v. Pickett (D.C. Cir. 2004), I.191
United States v. Poindexter (D.C. Cir. 1991), II.165 (note), 166 (note)
United States v. Pratt (4th Cir. 2003), II.11
United States v. Quattrone (2d Cir. 2006), II.9, 13
United States v. Rainey (5th Cir. 2014), II.167, 171
United States v. Reich (2d Cir. 2007), II.10, 166
United States v. Renzi (9th Cir. 2014), I.186
United States v. Resendiz-Ponce (2007), II.11
United States v. Richard Gates, D.2
United States v. Richard Pinedo, D.6
United States v. Richard Pinedo (D.D.C. Sept. 26, 2018), I.175
United States v. Richardson (5th Cir. 2012), II.10
United States v. Ring (D.D.C. 2009), II.162
United States v. Robinson (2d Cir. 2012), II.13
United States v. Rodgers (1984), I.191
United States v. Rodolitz (2d Cir. 1986), II.11
United States v. Roe (4th Cir. 1975, II.9
United States v. Roger Stone, D.3
United States v. Sampson (2d Cir. 2018), II.12, 163, 167
United States v. Santos (2008), II.171
United States v. Sheker (9th Cir. 1980), I.186
United States v. Shotts (11th Cir. 1998), II.11
United States v. Silverman (11th Cir. 1984), II.9
United States v. Singleton (S.D. Texas 2006), II.160 (note)
United States v. Smith (9th Cir. 2017), I.191
United States v. Sparks (10th Cir. 2015), II.11
United States v. Tombrello (11th Cir. 1982), I.188
United States v. Viktor Netyksho, D.2
United States v. Volpendesto (7th Cir. 2014), II.162
United States v. Williams (1992), II.177
United States v. William Samuel Patten, D.2
United States v. Willis (10th Circ. 2007), I.179
United States v. Willoughby (2d Cir. 1988), II.157
United States v. Yielding (8th Cir. 2011), II.163
United States v. Yijia Zhang (E.D. Pa. 2014), I.176 (note)
United States v. Young (4th Cir. 2019), II.10, 166
Ushakov, Yuri Viktorovich, I.159–160; B.10
U.S. persons
false statements and obstruction of justice by, I.192–199
prosecution and declination decisions, I.180–199
targeting and recruitment of, by IRA, I.31–33
unaware that they were contacting Russian nationals, I.175
Vaino, Anton, I.146; B.10
Valdai Discussion Club, I.87; B.13
valuing promised information
in campaign finance prosecutions, I.186–188
Van der Zwaan, Alexander, I.134; B.10; D.6
Vargas, Catherine, I.159; B.10
Vasilchenko, Gleb, B.10
VEB. See Vnesheconombank
Venezuela, I.168
Veselnitskaya, Natalia, I.110, 112–114, 116–123; B.10; C.14
Vnesheconombank (VEB), I.161
voting technology, I.51
VTB Bank, I.76
Vzglyad, I.66 (note)
Wagner v. FEC (D.C. Cir. 2015), I.185
Washington Post, I.58; II.29, 37, 84, 89, 94, 114, 118, 143
Watergate burglary, II.165
Watkins v. United States (1957), II.176
Weber, Shlomo, I.99, 166; B.10
WikiLeaks, I.44–49; B.13; C.18–19
contacts with Trump Campaign, I.52–64; II.157
opposition expressed toward the Clinton Campaign, I.44–45, 60
prosecution decision, I.188–191
constitutional considerations, I.190
willfulness considerations, I.190
release of hacked emails, I.44–45, 176; II.15, 17–18
Russian hacking identified, II.20
statements dissembling the source of stolen materials, I.48–49
Trump denies contact with, II.42
in campaign finance prosecutions, I.187–188
and WikiLeaks prosecution, I.190
wire fraud
charges of, I.174
Wisconsin, I.140
“witch hunt,” II.43–44, 84–85, 111
witness tampering, II.10–11
wlsearch.tk, I.60
World Chess Championship (2016), I.149–150; C.23
WorldNetDaily (WND), I.54, 59
Written Questions to Donald J. Trump from Special Counsel’s Office, II.149;
Written Responses of Donald J. Trump to Special Counsel’s Office, I.110,
116 (note); II.13, 149–150; C.1–18
X-Agent, I.38–39
X-Tunnel, I.38–39
Yanukovych, Viktor, I.130, 132, 139–140, 142, 144; II.16; B.10
Yates, Sally, B.11
meeting with McGahn about Flynn, II.31, 32–36
Yates v. United States (2015), II.167
Yatsenko, Sergey, I.96; B.11
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952), II.172
IRA’s use of, I.22
Zakharova, Maria, I.99–100; B.11
Zayed al Nahyan, Mohammed bin (Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi), I.147–148,
153, 157; B.11
Ziff brothers, I.117–118
Zivotofsky v. Kerry (2015), II.172, 173